(Gold Coast Macintosh User Group)
your source for the best in news and support for your Apple products
(Gold Coast Macintosh User Group)
your source for the best in news and support for your Apple products
Meetings are Open to Everyone
They Take Place the Last Wednesday of the Month
7:30 PM,
Q&A at 7:00 PM EST
We meet online via Zoom, and every month provide new and relevant presentations, including open Question and Answer period. Beginner level all the way up special topics.
The club has an email based Listserve, which is the most powerful benefit of Membership. It is a terrific way to learn but is also how you can get specific and custom guidance and support.
Click here to go to the page all about the List Serve Benefit.
Click here to ‘subscribe’ to the Calendar for the group. This will make all the meetings appear in your Mac computer or Apple iOS device “Calendar”
Next Meeting:
September 25th, 2024
Q and A starts at 7:00 PM EST
Meeting at 7:30 PM EST
Will Be Done on the ‘Zoom’ Platform
A free Zoom account required.
Members that are on our Listserve will get instructions and the code to join the meeting via email.
Meetings are open to non members and are free to attend. If you are not currently a member send an email request for the link to contactus@gcmac.org
Mac OS Sequoia
iOS 18
Ecletic Light Company Skint app
Your Questions answered FREE!
Gift card drawing for paid members
Gold Coast
Macintosh Users Group